I have a new addiction - www.pinterest.com. A friend suggested I join and now I spend hours every day looking at crafts, recipes and other ways people are being creative. I wish I was exaggerating about it being hours. It's a problem, perhaps they make a gum or patch that can help me kick this addiction. But at least I stopped watching Nanny 911. (Ok, I watched all the episodes but I'm a lawyer now so I can trick you with words.)
Addictions aside, the website has provided me with inspiration and well, something to do while I search for a job. After finding a recipe for a dip that was alleged to taste just like cake batter, I endeavored to come up with my own, perhaps a slightly less bad for me version.
It worked. Boy did it ever work. Precious little is keeping me from sitting down with the whole bowl and a spoon and going to town. That "precious little" is the knowledge that doing so would land me with an agonizing stomach ache for at least the next 2 years.
This is delicious. Make it. Try not to eat it all at the same time. FYI: 2 Tablespoons is roughly 50 calories, if you're into that sort of thing.
1 Jar Marshmallow Fluff
1 box Funfetti Cake mix
1 tub Fat Free Cool Whip
2 T fat free plain Greek Yogurt
Graham Crackers, Ginger Snaps, Apples, Large spoon, ect...

Won't you take me to tastytown?....
Dump the marshmallow fluff into a mixing bowl and add the yogurt and mix it up. I found this made the fluff a little easier to work with.

Gradually add the cake mix until it is all combined. There may be some un-combined mix, it's ok.

Fold in the Cool Whip, but be gentle with it or it'll break down and you'll be very sad.

Dive in!
If you wanted to be a bit more festive for a special occasion, like say…a baby shower… you could feel free to use strawberry or blueberry yogurt to give it a bit more flavor and a festive color. Serve it with animal crackers to be extra adorable.
A final way to serve this came to me while on an evening walk in the rain. The walk seemed like a good idea when we left, not so much 20 minutes later. After returning home and blow drying poor dog, I halved some grapes, chopped up an apple, grabbed some walnuts and mixed them all with a reasonable sized scoop of the dip. I garnished with some crushed up graham crackers.

Not a great picture, but it was dark and rainy and this was all I could manage. But you could really go crazy with the idea of "cake batter salad."
Have Fun!
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